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FCO Annual General Meeting
Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. will be hosting our Annual Winter Event 2018 at the Ramada Jordan Beacon Harbourside Resort on January 17th, 2018.The event will run from 11:00 am to 3:30 pm.
For the past few years, our event has included FCO's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and a Members Savings Symposium, but this year FCO's Winter Event is changing things up.We are incorporating with our AGM a keynote speaker, Ms. Carol
Vandenhoek, Managing Partner at Miller Thomson, who will address the significant changes brought about in Ontario employment law with the passage of Bill 148 and its significant impact on employer obligations, with key takeaways for protecting your organization. We will also have our main sponsor, Durward Jones Barkwell & Company who anticipates that your botton line will be impacted from this legislation and will touch on how the Agri-Stability program may assist you in the recovery of your losses.
Other event speakers will include Dr. Jeanine West, FCO's Water Specialist ~ providing an update on changes to the Greenhouse Certification Program and the training that is currently being developed for growers across Canada through Flowers Canada
Growers and Dejan Kristan, FCO's Marketing Director ~ speaking about FCO's latest marketing initiatives; Petals and Plates and Flower Crown Bar activations.
To compliment this event, we have invited our Associate Members to join us for lunch, and set up a tabletop presentation on money saving opportunites for your business.
For more information and to register for our Winter Event 2018, please contact Rachelle Pruss at rachelle@fco.ca or call 1.800.698.0113 ext. 4230.
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