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Advancing the Canadian Chrysanthemum Flower Sector With Trade and Phytosanitary Solution to Access New Genetic Material
Flowers Canada Growers Inc. has increased activity on Chrysanthemum White Rust (CWR) since the initiation of the CWR project in 2011, funded by the Canadian Agriculture Adaptation Program (CAAP) of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. CWR has become a priority both in Canada and the US, resulting in consultations on the regulatory status of the pest. The USDA held a meeting in Greenbelt, MD in January to discuss possible changes to the regulatory status of the disease. As plant health initiatives in the US and Canada are closely linked, changes to CWR regulations in the US may lead to changes in Canada.
Through this project, FCG gathered trade data, conducted a Canada-wide survey of growers and conducted an economic impact assessment of the sector. As a result, FCG is identifying how the sector will be affected by regulatory changes to CWR. FCG is actively involved with CFIA, proceeding with possible changes to CWR regulations.
For more information on this project please contact Andrew Morse at Andrew@fco.on.ca
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