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Jeanine West – Water Specialist, Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. is presented the Caring for Ontario's Land and Water Award
Farm & Food Care celebrated the success of the 28 Water Adaptation Management and Quality Initiative (WAMQI) projects March 3, 2015 in Guelph. Several project leaders presented their results, recommendations, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
They also announced the winners of the Caring for Ontario's Land and Water Award at the (WAMQI) Wrap-Up Symposium. Awards were presented to six WAMQI project leaders for for their ongoing commitment to caring for Ontario's water resources and for their environmental stewardship. The awards were divided into three categories:
Community efforts In support of water stewardship:
Hajnal Kovacs – Grand River Conservation Authority
Julie Sylvestre – Algonquin College
Commodity support for water and nutrient use improvement:
Dr. Ann Huber – Soil Resource Group
Dr. Jeanine West – Phytoserv
Technologies supporting efficient water and nutrient use efficiency:
Ian Nichols – Win Weather Innovations
Dr. Laura Van Eerd – University of Guelph

Recipients of the Farm & Food Care Caring for Ontario's Land and Water Award pictured left to right: Dr. Ann Huber, Ian Nichols, Hajnal Kovascs, Dr. Jeanine West. Absent: Julie Sylvestre, Dr. Laura Van Eerd.
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